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Bauteilliste und Lötanleitung

Anzahl Bauteil Bezeichnungen
9 100nF Kondensator C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C9, C10, C11, C12
2 15pF Kondensator (Grün) C1,C2
2 4,7µF Kondensator C13, C15
1 10µF Kondensator (Blau) C14
1 1µF Kondensator C16
3 1k Ohm Widerstand R1, R7, R9, R12
3 10k Ohm Widerstand R2, R5, R8
2 27 Ohm Widerstand (Rot) R3, R4
2 5,1k Ohm Wiederstand R10, R11
1 24k Ohm Widerstand R6
1 Batteriestecker Bat
1 USB C Buchse USB
1 Ein-Aus-Schalter On
1 Boot-Taster Boot
1 RP2040 MCU U1
1 W25Q32JVSS Flash-Speicher U2
1 RT9090-33 3.3V Spannungsregler U3
1 MCP73871-2AA LiPo Ladecontroller U4
1 Strombegrenzer U5
1 12Mhz Quarz Y1
10 Neopixel reverse mount Led D1-D10

Solder Instructions

Nothing Presoldered: start here

  • Choose one of the two stencils we provide: one presolders only the otherwise impossible stuff (leaving you with a badge with hard difficulty), the other leavesyou with a badge on normal difficulty.
  • Put your badge into the contraption, and line the pads up with the stencil holes.
  • Agitate the solder paste with the scraper
  • Distribute evenly through the stencil; don't use too much, especially on the usb port.
  • Lift the stencil with confidence.
  • Place the components: we recommend starting with the large stuff, especially the rp2040. Some components are directed: this is indicated with dots and triangles.
  • Carefully put the badge on the heating plate.
  • Set the heating plate to 120 degrees C
  • After the plate has come to temperature, use the hot air gun to help the solder melt. The rp2040 and the usb port need more attention than the other parts.
  • After everything has melted, lift the badge from the station with teezers, keeping it horizontal. Caution: Hot!
  • After the badge has cooled down, Inspect everything for solder bridges and contacts with too little solder (We have magnifiying glasses and microscopes).
  • To fix bridges, generously put flux on the affected area and drag a clean, hot soldering iron across the pins. Clean your iron after every swipe!
  • To fix areas with too little solder, do the same but with a small drop of solder on your iron.
  • For the rest of the badge: see below.

Hard difficulty: few things presoldered

  • We reccomend starting with the small things first (capacitors and resistors).
  • These are not oriented. Heat one pad and put a small amount of solder on.
  • Keep this pad in melt while sliding in the component with tweezers from the other side.
  • Now add solder to the other side
  • The flash (U2) is done similarly, but it is oriented (the dot must match the marking on the pcb).
  • Flux can be usefull to avoid bridges on the flash.
  • The rest of the badge is now done the same as on normal difficulty.

Normal difficulty:

  • We start out with the remaining other components before proceeding to the LEDs.
  • The On-switch is done in smd technique. Put a little bit of solder on one pad and insert the switch with tweesers while heating the pad. Then do the other pads. The switch has two plastic pins below which must match with the pcb.
  • The Boot-switch is done with the same technique. The orientation is given by the badge.
  • In the same way, the battery connector is done.
  • Before you can solder the LEDs, you have to bend their legs so that they touch their pads.
  • The LEDs are oriented: the leg with the cutout is on the lower left side when the back of the badge faces you and the hat points up.
  • The LEDs are now done in the above technique: put solder on one pad and put on the component while heating the pad. Once it is in place, do the other legs.
  • Congratulations, you are now done.